Monday, September 3, 2012

Unreal Candy report for Bzzagent

Well I tried all of them except the peanut butter cups so far.
The first one in Red is like a Milky Way bar.
The second in Purple is like a Snickers bar.
The third in Blue are like regular M & M's
The fourth in Green are like peanut M & M's.
The fifth in Yellow are like Reese's Peanut Butter cups.

1) This one was actually really good, the caramel tasted more natural. The chocolate isn't a milk chocolate tasting, it taste more like dark chocolate. All and all I would buy this candy bar again.
2) This one is my favorite so far and has the same points for me as the first one except it has peanuts and is a like snickers.
3 & 4) These ones are really good but after a whole bunch of them I can kind of taste the beets in the candy coating and all the other natural ingredients used for the colored shells. Other than that they were really good, I enjoyed the different colors.
5) Well I just tried the peanut butter cups, I like them but I think I'll stick with Reese's on this one.. sorry unreal!

My overall thought of this candy is that I really enjoyed them a lot, I would buy them again. This was a really fun and cool thing to try for my first BzzCampaign from Bzzagent.

Unreal Candy

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